EV Batteries: No More Trade-Offs

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StoreDot’s new ‘100in5’ extreme fast charging (XFC) technology redefines the electric vehicle (EV) landscape by allowing both high energy density and rapid charging speeds. This breakthrough eliminates the traditional trade-off between performance and energy density in EV batteries.

Key Highlights:

  • Silicon-Dominant Anodes: StoreDot’s XFC technology uses silicon-dominant anodes to achieve high energy density while enabling ultra-fast charging rates.
  • Proven Solution: With >140Ah Pouch and Prismatic cell capacity and formats, StoreDot’s solution meets car makers‘ timelines with high energy density (>320Wh/kg) and continuous extreme fast charging capability (>2000 consecutive 10%-80% charging cycles).
  • Production Readiness: StoreDot is on track for production-ready XFC cells capable of delivering 100 miles of range in 5 minutes by this year, 4 minutes by 2026, and 3 minutes by 2028.
EV Batteries: No More Trade-Offs

StoreDot, a leader in XFC battery technology for EVs, underscores to global auto makers that achieving extreme-fast charging speeds no longer requires sacrificing energy density. This innovation allows for greater driving range and smaller, lighter battery packs without compromising charging rates or battery life.

Traditionally, achieving high energy density in EV batteries has resulted in slower charging rates and reduced battery life. StoreDot’s XFC technology shifts these paradigms by using silicon-dominant anodes. These cells maintain high energy densities comparable to conventional lithium-ion batteries while also enabling ultra-fast charging and long cycle life.

StoreDot’s mature and proven solution with >140Ah Pouch and Prismatic cell capacity and formats is the only one that meets car makers’ timelines, providing both high energy density and continuous extreme fast charging capability (>2000 consecutive 10%-80% charging cycles).

StoreDot’s ‘100in5’ XFC Battery Cells:

By eliminating the need to compromise on energy density, StoreDot’s ‘100in5’ XFC battery cells enable EV users to enjoy long driving ranges and extreme-fast charging capabilities. This development addresses two critical issues, potentially tipping the scales for mass EV adoption as consumers seek vehicles that do not force trade-offs between range and charging time.

Dan Corfas, Director of Product and System Engineering at StoreDot, states, “Common EV cell chemistries allow for either high energy or high power capabilities. We’ve changed the rules with our silicon-dominant anodes because we have developed long-lasting cells with both high energy and extreme fast charge capability. But for us, this is not just a lab concept—we’re advancing this promise into a commercially-viable, proven solution that will support car makers’ decarbonization targets and timeline.”

Last month, StoreDot demonstrated its path towards commercialization by showing that its XFC battery technology could charge a Polestar 5 prototype EV in just 10 minutes.

StoreDot remains on track with the production-readiness of its XFC cells, aiming to deliver 100 miles charged in 5 minutes this year, 100 miles charged in 4 minutes by 2026, and 100 miles charged in 3 minutes by 2028.

About StoreDot:

StoreDot is the pioneer and world leader in extreme fast charging (XFC) electric vehicle batteries, addressing the critical barriers to mainstream EV adoption – range and charging anxiety. The company has revolutionized the conventional Li-ion battery by innovating and synthesizing proprietary organic and inorganic compounds, optimized by Artificial Intelligence algorithms, enabling the charging of an EV in under 10 minutes – a similar experience to refueling a conventional combustion engine car.

Through its ‘100inX’ product roadmap, StoreDot’s battery technology delivers ‘Range on Demand™’: 100 miles charged in 5 minutes in 2024, 100 miles charged in 4 minutes in 2026, and 100 miles charged in 3 minutes by 2028. In April 2024, StoreDot and Polestar demonstrated the world’s first 10-minute EV charging using silicon-dominant battery cells.

StoreDot’s strategic investors and partners include BP, Daimler, VinFast, Volvo Cars, Polestar, Ola Electric, Samsung, TDK, and its manufacturing partner EVE Energy.

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