Charging an electric vehicle is not always as convenient as one would like and the need for more public charging stations continues to rise at a rapid pace. The EV Report recently sat down with the Co-founders of Everters to learn more about its unique business model and how they are on a mission to make EV charging more accessible and convenient to all.
Who or what is Everters?
Everters is the AirBnb of electric vehicle charging. It allows you to share your EV charging station with the public and earn money when somebody uses it.

How does it work?
You simply buy a compatible charging station (check with Charge Anywhere), download the Everters mobile app, add the new charger to your account and start earning money when somebody uses it.
Who is your target customer or who is the intended userbase?
Everters is built to facilitate Destination Charging. By this means, hotels, supermarkets, apartments, and office buildings but also educational facilities and necessarily every location where people tent to spend a bit more time, are ideal use cases. But it also allows anybody else to participate in the EV charging industry, including you and me.
Why is destination charging so important?
Destination charging is crucial for the transition to more sustainable mobility. In short term, it helps drivers to overcome range anxiety and in long term, it offers a much higher user experience for drivers, who are able to refuel anywhere. Just imagine arriving at your hotel after a long drive and waking up on the next morning with a fully charged car, ready to enjoy your vacation. No gasoline or diesel car can live up to that.
What features can be managed with Everters?
Everters lets you define user groups and associate availability windows and prices for the charging service to the different user groups. You can share your infrastructure only with specific groups or with the public in general. In addition to that, Everters automatically processes payments and generates invoices for charging transactions while offering intelligent load management.
Do drivers have to download the Everters app to charge their car within the network?
No, every driver can decide if they want to use our app or pay app-less via QR code or RFID technology. The app offers additional advantages, such an EV charger map, an overview of the driver’s charging history and much more but we believe it is up to the driver to choose their preferred way of paying.
What is the mission of Everters?
Everters aims to accelerate the transition to a sustainable mobility, by increasing the availability and utilization of EV charging infrastructure. In addition to that, Everters enables everyone to participate in the refueling economy.
How can Everters help increase the utilization of EV charging infrastructure?
By becoming part of the Everters platform, every charging station can be made publicly available. A typical use case is the charging infrastructure of an office building which is only used by the employees. The charging infrastructure operator could make this infrastructure publicly available, when it is not needed by the office building, meaning at the evening and in the night. This would allow EV drivers who live nearby in apartment buildings with no or insufficient EV charging infrastructure to use the chargers of the office building. While the EV drivers are happy to have an increased number of accessible chargers in the neighborhood, the utilization of the charging infrastructure of the office building can be increased and additional revenue can be generated. Everybody wins.
Who can offer electric vehicle charging services?
In most of the countries offering paid EV charging services is legal for individuals and businesses. Depending on the respective country, different national laws and regulations are in place to enable this. For the first time in history, everybody can sell “fuel” when talking about electric vehicles. Hence, the refueling market is being democratized.

Why should businesses need to offer EV charging services?
All customers and employees will drive electric vehicles in the future, so they will need to charge their cars. By offering EV charging services, business can offer additional value to their customers and employees. In terms of hotels, gyms, spas, supermarkets, and malls it won’t be just an additional value since not offering EV charging services will be a competitive disadvantage. E.g., EV drivers chose their hotels based on the availability of EV charging stations already today. EV charging stations are the new Wi-Fi for hotels and they will need to offer this service when fighting for customers. Popular booking websites saw this trend already and incorporated new filters accordingly.
How much does Everters cost?
Everters can be used starting at $0/month. The management capabilities are free of charge and the mobile app for charging station owners and EV drivers is available at no cost in the respective app stores. Charge Anywhere only applies a small transaction fee on paid charging sessions. We believe charging services need to be simple, convenient, and anywhere available in order to be a great experience. That’s why we don’t like fixed costs for charging station operators. If your business is closed due to a pandemic and you don’t use your charging infrastructure you should not pay for it.
Why Everters and not another charging station management software?
The Everters platform values charging station owners and EV drivers equally. Unlike other platforms, it can be used starting at $0/month. Costs are only existing in terms of a small transaction fee on paid charging transactions. Using Everters to manage charging infrastructure is free of cost. In addition to that, the charge point operator and EV driver app is also free of charge and no driver is forced to download another app if they don’t want to. Everters is not just a charging station management software. It is a platform to enable everybody to earn money with their charging stations and increases the availability and utilization of EV charging infrastructure.
About the Co-founders
Fausto Milletari the CEO and is a computer scientist with considerable experience in the fields of software, AI, automation, and UX.
Florian Schlögl is the COO/CFO and is a mechanical engineer with several years of product management experience and business development expertise.
Click HERE to learn more about Everters.