Gravity’s Innovative EV Charging Solution

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Gravity has launched a groundbreaking on-street mounting and cable system, called “DEAP Trees,” designed for its 200kW and 500kW Distributed Energy Access Points (DEAPs). This new system aims to simplify and accelerate curbside EV charging for all vehicle makes and models, while minimizing trip hazards and promoting rapid turnover of parking spaces.

Key Highlights

  • Universal Compatibility: Gravity’s DEAP Trees are engineered to be universally compatible, easily reaching the charging ports of all EV makes and models with a hinged swing arm that pivots down during charging.
  • Fast Charging: These systems can provide up to 200 miles of range in as little as 5 minutes with the 500kW DEAPs, significantly outpacing traditional Level 2 chargers.
  • No Utility Upgrades Required: DEAP Trees bring high-speed charging to the curbside without the need for extensive utility upgrades.
  • Enhanced Safety: The system’s retractor-less cable management prevents tripping hazards and reduces the risk of vandalism.
  • Minimal Visual Impact: Designed to blend into urban environments, DEAP Trees have a sleek, unobtrusive profile.
Gravity’s Innovative EV Charging Solution

Gravity, an EV infrastructure startup known for creating the fastest charging site in America, has partnered with Rangr Studio to address the challenges of curbside charging. The DEAP Trees feature an automatic retraction system, which stores the charging cable neatly out of sight when not in use. This innovative design ensures ease of use and accessibility, while preventing clutter and potential safety issues on sidewalks.

Performance and Efficiency

DEAP Trees are capable of delivering up to 200kW or 500kW of power, enabling rapid charging sessions that can accommodate multiple vehicles per hour. This efficiency is a significant improvement over the 8-10 hours required for traditional Level 2 curbside chargers. The fast-charging capability of DEAP Trees supports the needs of urban EV drivers and promotes the adoption of electric vehicles in city environments.

Founder’s Vision

Moshe Cohen, Founder and CEO of Gravity, emphasized the importance of advancing curbside charging technology: “Right now, American cities are choosing the curbside charging that drivers will use for decades to come. Unfortunately, many are looking to obsolete overnight Level 2 charging with cables that clutter sidewalks and that don’t fit the needs of urban EV drivers. EV drivers require and deserve so much better. We took up the challenge of making every aspect of the on-street charging experience faster and better and can’t wait to deploy our new DEAP Trees by the thousands.”

Additional Benefits

DEAP Trees are designed to support a range of smart city technologies, including traffic safety cameras, LED lighting, 5G, public Wi-Fi, air quality sensors, and integrated audio/video communication systems. This versatility makes them an ideal solution for both metered and residential parking areas, contributing to urban infrastructure development and grid resiliency.

For more details on equipment specifications and to learn more, visit

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The EV Report is a digital platform dedicated to the global electric vehicle industry. It is a product of Hagman Media Group, and its mission is to inform, engage, and connect industry professionals and EV enthusiasts with relevant news and insights.