Orange EV Supports Warehouse Operators with Innovative Solutions to Surpass WAIRE Compliance Requirements

What’s Happening

Orange EV, a premier manufacturer of zero-emission yard trucks in the United States, is offering warehouse operators in Southern California comprehensive solutions to not only meet but also surpass their yearly Warehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) compliance obligations.

Why It Matters

The South Coast AQMD WAIRE program, the first of its kind in the United States, regulates warehouses as indirect sources of emissions. Using a menu-based point system, the program enables operators to meet compliance obligations. Preliminary data from the first Annual WAIRE report shows that a notable 44% of all WAIRE points were acquired from the use of Zero Emission (ZE) yard trucks, emphasizing their significance in meeting emission reduction goals.

Key Points

Under the WAIRE Program, warehouse operators in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) are required to earn their necessary WAIRE points each year or pay a mitigation fee of $1,000 per point. Acquiring and using just one Orange EV yard truck and its associated charging cabinet can result in more than 1,400 WAIRE points in a single compliance period, which equates to over $1 million in mitigation fee offsets. The Orange EV Rental Program also allows operators to garner significant WAIRE points for each truck, potentially saving over $80,000 per month in mitigation fee offsets.

Bottom Line

Orange EV trucks, when considering the potential cost of WAIRE mitigation fees, offer a compelling choice that can save fleet operators millions. With low operational costs, reliability, and environmental friendliness, these electric trucks provide numerous benefits. “Orange EV’s proven and preferred yard truck solution can save fleets millions,” stated Zack Ruderman, Orange EV VP of Sales and Marketing.

This development has implications for thousands of warehouses in the South Coast AQMD region and beyond. Warehouse owners and operators across California, including those outside the affected region, should take note: similar programs are under consideration in other air districts, including the San Diego Air Pollution Control District.

Orange EV provides an informative downloadable guide detailing the potential WAIRE points and financial savings possible with their trucks and chargers. The Orange EV e-TRIEVER® is a leading all-electric Class 8 yard truck, currently used by over 170 fleets in 33 states and Canada, offering superior performance irrespective of power source (diesel, natural gas, or electric).


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