RIZON’s Electric Trucks Secure California Incentive Eligibility

RIZON Electric’s Class 4-5 battery-electric cabover trucks have been officially recognized as zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). As a result of this designation under Executive Order: A-361-0033 from September 2023, these vehicles now qualify for California’s Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP).

Why It Matters

This means fleets in California can apply for a base voucher of $60,000 for each RIZON vehicle they purchase. As a push towards a greener environment, this move promotes the adoption of electric trucks by making them financially more attractive to fleet operators.

Key Points

  • RIZON’s battery-electric cabover trucks have been engineered in collaboration with Daimler Truck and are distributed exclusively in the U.S. by Velocity EV.
  • These trucks are versatile and ideal for local goods movement, urban and refrigerated deliveries, and come with customization options such as box truck and stake bed.
  • Features include:
    • Tight turning radius suitable for city conditions.
    • Advanced safety functionalities like collision avoidance.
    • A driving range of up to 160 miles on one charge.
    • Charging via level 2 AC and DC fast charging.
    • Choice of Medium (M) and Long (L) range battery configurations for better route optimization.
  • HVIP vouchers can significantly decrease the total ownership cost for RIZON’s electric truck models including e16M, e16L, e18M, and e18L.
  • To benefit from HVIP, fleet operators need to liaise with HVIP-approved dealers such as Velocity.

Bottom Line

RIZON’s entry into the California electric vehicle market and its eligibility for the HVIP incentive underscores the growing momentum towards autonomous and electric driving. As stated by Alex Voets, general manager at Velocity EV, this initiative will “make it easier for fleets to transition to electric and align with California’s Advanced Clean Fleet Rule.” RIZON has initiated the commercial production of these trucks, with the first batch now available in Southern California, indicating a promising future for cleaner, efficient, and more sustainable transportation.


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