What’s Happening: Ryder System, Inc., a leading provider of supply chain, dedicated transportation, and fleet management solutions, has announced plans to add 4,000 BrightDrop Zevo 600 and Zevo 400 electric vans to its lease and rental fleet through 2025. The first 200 vehicles will be ordered this year, reflecting the company’s ongoing commitment to meeting the growing demand for commercial electric vehicles in the transportation and logistics sectors.
Why It Matters: This expansion will allow Ryder customers to experiment with and broaden their electric vehicle (EV) footprint, enhance the driving experience, and accelerate their sustainability initiatives. The move demonstrates Ryder’s continued dedication to exploring and adopting advanced and emerging vehicle technology on behalf of its customers.
Key Points:
- The Zevo 600 and Zevo 400 electric vans have a range of up to 250 miles on a full charge and can support payloads between 2,000 and 3,400 lbs.
- Model year 2023 Zevo 600 electric vans will be deployed in Ryder’s rental fleet in California, Dallas-Fort Worth, and New York City later this year.
- New 2024 Zevo 600 and Zevo 400 models for lease and rental customers are expected to become available as early as summer 2023 and into the first quarter of 2024.
Bottom Line: Ryder’s plan to introduce 4,000 BrightDrop electric vans into its fleet showcases the company’s commitment to providing sustainable and economical alternatives for customers. By offering these advanced vehicles, Ryder aims to help clients achieve their sustainability, compliance, and operational objectives while reducing transportation-related emissions.